Sunday, December 26, 2010

Japan Venus detectors have failed to enter orbit around the stars

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency announced on the 8th, Japan's first Venus probe "dawn" was not scheduled to enter orbit around Venus. It is close to Venus once again have to wait until six years later.
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Venus probe out of the village project leader Masato 8 at the news conference that the adjustment process in the final orbit, the "dawn" was the reverse injection device failure, leading to it, and Venus, "rub Shoulder gone. "
According to reports, after the failure orbit, ground control center has worked with "dawn" was briefly lost contact, but then resumed communications. Detector itself does not seem to be any damage, is currently away from Venus, into an orbit around the sun in flight.
"Xiao" spacecraft was launched in May this year, after a long flight before reaching Venus nearby. Original plan, "Xiao" was more than 2 years to perform the detection task to investigate Venus volcanic activity, atmospheric composition and climate conditions.
This is the Japanese experience in the field of planetary exploration is another failure. Earlier, the Japanese launched to Mars in 1998, "Hope" probe, but failed continually forced to abandon in 2003.

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